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Category: Health & Education

Total 304 Posts

Muqdisho: Ra’iisal Wasaare Rooble Oo Dhagax-dhigay Yardimeli Hospital Oo La Casriyaynayo

Araweelo News Network.   Muqdisho(ANN)- Ra’iisal wasaaraha dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee xilligeedu dhammaaday, Maxamed Xuseen Rooble, ayaaa ka qaybgalay munaasibad lagu balaadhinayo Cusbitaalka Yardimeli Hospital ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Sida lagu sheegay qoraal kooban oo kasoo baxay xafiiska rooble ee Villa

Soomaaliya Oo Dadkeeda U Adeegsanay Tallaalka Ay Koonfur Afrika Joojisay

Araweelo News Network. #Soomaaliya Oo Dadkeeda U Adeegsanay Tallaalka Ay Koonfur Afrika Joojisay Muqdisho(ANN)-Dawladda Soomaaliya ee xilligeedu dhammaaday, ayaa shaacisay in ay dalka ku baahinayso Tallaalka la doonayo in uu difaac u noqdo xannuunka COVID-19, ee aduunka sida weyn ugu

Xaaladda Xannuunka Coronavirus Ee Somaliland Oo Laga Dayriyay

Araweelo News Network. #Somaliland: Wargeyska New York Times Oo Xaaladda Xannuunka Coronavirus Warbixin ka qoray Hargeysa(ANN)-Xaaladda Somaliland ee xannuunka Coronavirus, ayaa laga dayriyay, iyadoo aannay jirin warbixino la xidhiidha xaaladda xannuunka ee xilligan Somaliland iyo heerka uu marayo.   Hase

Fayriska Cusub Ee Hirarka Mawjadaha Ah Iyo Dalalka Yurub Oo Xayiraado Ku Baaqay

Araweelo News Network. By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. Mawjadaha Hirarka Cusub Ee Fayriska Iyo Dalalka Yurub Oo Xayiraado Ku Baaqay Astaamaha Iyo Wajiyada Xannuunka iyo Tallooyinka Khuburada Caafimaadka Aduunka London(ANN)-Dunida, ayaa si weyn uga wer-wersan

Greek Lemon Potatoes Have a Secret Ingredient

Araweelo News Network These Greek Lemon Potatoes Have a Secret Ingredient (It Makes Them Truly Life-Changing) By. Ivy Manning, Kitchn  When I went to dinner parties (back when those were a thing), I was always hesitant to ask for the

How to Break a Reading Slump

Araweelo News Network By. Jordan Calhoun, Lifehacker  Lately, I can’t manage to finish a book. I’ve been here before. While I normally read a book or two a week, I sometimes find myself in a reading slump lasting weeks—or even

Hidden Histories of Presidential Medical Dramas

Araweelo News Network By. Alex Dalenberg, Pocket Collections   There has been nothing in American history quite like the President of the United States being infected with a potentially deadly virus amid a global pandemic less than a month before

Doctors Tell Me I Have COVID. Why Won’t the Tests?

Araweelo News Network By. Julia Ioffe, GQ She’s been sick for over a month with what doctors long-ago diagnosed as COVID. So why has Julia Ioffe repeatedly tested negative—and what does her search for answers tell us about the faith

Iran prepares 14 million flu vaccine doses to cope with COVID-19 complications

Araweelo News Network   Tehran(ANN)-The Iranian health ministry is preparing 14 million flu vaccine doses as part of its efforts to head off complications that might impact the healthcare system in the country in the autumn and winter if people

Dumarku Xilliga Da’ada ay ku dhalmo daayaan mala kordhin karaa?

Araweelo News Network Daraasad Rajo u muujisay Haweenka Warbixin cusub oo ay qayb ka yihiin Dagan Wells, oo ah Barre Jaamacaddood oo  ka tirsan kulliyadda arrimaha taranka ee jaamacadda Oxford ee Britan iyo xeel-dheerayaal kale oo ku takhasusay arrimaha dhalmada

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