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Category: Breaking News

Total 1710 Posts

Ethiopian: Commercial Bank of names list and shames the customers over bank glitch money

    #Araweelo_News__Network.   Addis Ababa (ANN)- An Ethiopian bank has put up posters shaming customers it says have not returned money they gained during a technical glitch. Notices bearing their names and photos could be seen outside branches of

Maraykanka Oo Ka Cabsi Qaba Weerar kaga Yimaada Iran Iyo Xullufadeeda

#Araweelo_News_Network. Washington (ANN)–Maraykanka ayaa ka wer wersan  weeraro aargudaasho oo kaga yimaada Iran wax yar kaddib markii weerar xagga cirka ah oo si weyn loogu nisbeeyay Israa’iil  iyo Maraykanka lagu burburiyay dhisme qunsuliyadda Iran ay ku leedahay Suuriya. Maraykanka ayaa

Ethiopia, Puntland Agree to Enhance Multifaceted Relations

  #Araweelo_News _Network #Eathiopia, Puntland Agree to Enhance Multifaceted Relations Addis Ababa (ANN)- The State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, warmly received a senior ministerial delegation led by Puntland’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed Farah Mohammed, at his office

Iran’s Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations has categorically condemned Israel’s targeting of Iranian diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital,

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   New York, (ANN) – Iran’s Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations has categorically condemned Israel’s targeting of Iranian diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital, calling it the terrible crimes and cowardly terrorist attack by

#Ethiopia Oo Quudaraynay Isticmaalka Dekeddaha #Kenya. Maxay Ka Beddelay Heshiiskii #Somaliland Iyo Dekeddaa #Djibouti

#Araweelo_News_Network. Mombasa Kenya (ANN)- Dalka Ethiopia ayaa ku hawlan sahaminta suurtagalnimada innay dekedda Lamu ee dalka Kenya kala soo degto waxyaabaha loo addeegsado bacrimiska dalagga, taas oo qayb ka ah dadaalka ay ku doonayso in ay ku ballaadhiso dekeddaha ay

#BRICS; 18 countries have applied to join the Alliance in 2024

>Read in less than two seconds. # Araweelo News Netwok  Peritoria (ANN)- The geopolitical landscape has undoubtedly shifted throughout the last year. Amid that, the BRICS alliance has grown in number and influence. Heading into this year, they had enacted their

Hoggaamiyaha Falastiiniyiinta Ee Iran La Kulantay Ayaa Wacad Ku Maray in aannay Israel Guul Ka Gaadhayn Dagaalka Qaza

#Araweelo_News_Network. Tehran (ANN)- Hoggaamiyaha Falastiinyiinta Dagaalka kula jira Israel iyo xullufadeeda Maraykanka ayaa wacad ku maray in aannay Israel guul ka gaadhayn dagaalka, “Waxaan idiin ballan qaadayaa inaan noqon doono kuwa ku guulaysta dagaalka,” sidaa waxa yidhi, Ziad al-Nakhalah oo

#Dahabshiil Motors Oo Keentay #Somaliland Iyo Geyiga #Soomaalida Gaadiidkii Ugu Danbeeyay Ee Wershedduhu Soo Saaraan 2024

#Dahabshiil Motors, Baabuurta Casriga Iyo Bushaarooyinka Cusub “waxa noo badbaaday Biilalkii Xaafaddaha, waxan helay Baabuur cusub oo aan ahayn mustacmal, qub-qacdii hore waan kaga baxnay iyo maalinba meel jabta” macaamiisha Dahabshiil Motors. #Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance

#Ethiopia: Foreign Nationals Will Be Allowed To Own Property In Ethiopia” : PM #Abiy Ahmed

> Ethiopia: “PM Abiy wants to change the culture and allow foreign investment in Ethiopia, He thumbs down the culture of closure inherited from centuries of imperialism and communism > Somaliland who have already been the lamp and light of

Netanyahu says Israel will return to table for cease-fire talks with Hamas

#Araweelo_News_Network.   Tel Aviv (ANN)- The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will return to the table for cease-fire talks with Hamas, accoding to Associated Press. Friday’s announcement marks yet another attempt to reach a deal to pause Israel’s devastating

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