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Category: Human Rights

Total 312 Posts

Solja Oo Si Adag U Canbaaraysay Suxufiyiinta Xidhan Oo Loo Diiday Daryeel Caafimaad

Araweelo News Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland ee SOLJA, ayaa si adag u canbaareeyay xadhiga koox suxufiyiin ah oo maalintii Afraad ku jira Xabsiga, kuwaas oo qaarkood dhaawacyo soo gaadheen markii la xidhayay, isla markaana aan helin daryeel caafimaad. Kooxda Suxufiyiinta

Somaliland: Dawladda Britain, Xisbiga WADDANI iyo Ururka SOLJA Oo Ka Hadlay Suxufiyiin La Xdhay

“ Waxa aan si adag u cambaaraynaynaa falalka foosha xun ee lagu xidhxidhay Suxufiyiinta iyo xarrunta Telefishnka HCTV oo Xoog lagu galay.” Cabdiraxmaan Cirro. Araweelo News Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Xukuumadda Somaliland, ayaa Albaabada u laabtay xaruntii Telefishanka Horn Cable Tv, waxaana xabsiga

African Union welcomes release of Ethiopian prisoners

Araweelo News Network. Addis Ababa(ANN)-The African Union (AU) has welcomed the release of a number of political prisoners in Ethiopia. The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has welcomed the release of individuals opposed to the policies

Somaliland: Journalist Missing for One Week

Araweelo News Network. Hargeisa (ANN)-A Journalist Abdisalan Mohamed Jama (Abdisalan Germany) has been missing since January 4, 2022. After a plain-clothes army took him from his home in Hargeisa. Residents of the house showed their identities, prompting him to accompany

A former Ethiopian government official says there is no doubt that a massacre has taken place in Tigray

Araweelo News Network. “Abiy, told me he would oust the TPLF-led government in Tigray in three to five days, as he did in the Somali region of Ethiopia.”  Gebremeskel says. Addis Ababa (ANN)_Gebremeskel Kassa, a former Cabinet Secretary and Chief

Maalqabeen U Dhashay Dalka Masar Xabdiga  Ku Dhintray

Araweelo News Network.   “Wuxuu Ahaa Dil Qorshaysan” ENHR. Cairo(ANN) Maalqabeen u dhashay dalka Masar, ayaa lagu dilay xabsiga, isagoo rumaan ahaan u xidhnaa tan iyo July 2021, kaddib markii ay qabteen ciidanka nabadsugida ee Masar.   Dhimashada ganacsade Khaalid

Somaliland: Ururka Suxufiyiinta Ee SOLJA Oo Canbaareeyay Gabadh Suxufiyad Ah Oo Askari Gaadhsiiyay Dhaawacyo

Araweelo News Network.   Hargeysa(ANN)-Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland ee SOLJA, ayaa canbaareeyay fal tacadi ah oo Askari ka tirsan Ciidanka Nabadgelyada Waddooyinka ee Taraafiga dhaawacyo ku gaadhsiiyay Weriye Niciima Cabdiraxmaan oo ka mid ah hablaha warbaahinta Somaliland ee ka hawlgala Telefishanada

Somaliland: Hibo Samawada: Human rights activist calls on World to Stop Fighting in Ethiopia

Araweelo News Network. Samawada sent Appeals to the Presidents of  Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopian PM, Britain, the USA and the Somali Communities   Hargeisa(ANN)- Hibo Aden Dirieh (aka Samawada), a human rights activist who played a key role in the fight

Somaliland: Solja Condemns Arrest of Journalist for Reporting the situation in Kalabaydh Hospital

Araweelo News Network. Somaliland #Police arrested him after he released a shocking report on the condition of the hospital, with a flashlight lit for Women as they give birth. Hargeisa(ANN)-The chairman of the Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA), Zakariye Ahmed Muhumed,

Britain pays compensation to hundreds of civilians killed in Afghanistan War

Araweelo News Neywork. Compensation paid by Britain contains children, donkeys, mobile phones and other assets. London(ANN)-The British government has announced for the first time that it has paid millions of pounds in compensation to hundreds of civilians killed by British

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