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Tag: Somali Community

Total 5 Posts

Djibouti arms trade: Africa Sun cargo ship refuses to search at Bossaso port

Araweelo News Network DP World officials responsible for managing the port of Bosasso were ordered to search the freighter “Africa Sun”, but the freighter’s crew. Bossaso(ANN)-The Djibouti Shipping Company is a new shipping company created by a subsidiary of the

It’s time for a US Navy port call in Somaliland

By. Michael Rubin Araweelo News Network Op-Ed The White House lauded Taiwan’s July 1st decision to exchange diplomatic offices with Somaliland. While the United States does not formally recognize either state, both are pro-Western democracies standing up for liberal values

Maxaa Kasoo Baxay Kulankii Albaabada Loo Xidhay Ee Dhexmaray Madaxweyne Farmaajo Iyo Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe ?

نتيجة اجتماع مغلق بين الرئيس فارماجو ورئيس جوبالاند أحمد مادوبي Araweelo News Network   Dhuusamareeb(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Dawladda Federaaalka ah ee Soomalaiya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo oo ku sugan magaalada Dhusamareeb, ayaa kulan gaar ah la qaatay Madaxweynaha maamul gobolleedka Jubbaland, Axmed Maxamed

Hargeisa: Inside Somaliland’s would-be capital city

By James Jeffrey, for CNN Hargeisa(ANN/CNN)You may well not have heard of Hargeisa. This could have something to do with it being the capital city of a country that in the eyes of the rest of the world doesn’t exist:

Tirada Saxeexday Mooshinka Raysal Waasaraha Somalia Iyo Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay Oo Sheegay Inuu Xalinta Khilaafka La Kaashanayo Ethiopia

Mogadishu(ANN)Muranka iyo loolanka u dhexeeyay Madaxweynaha iyo Raysal Wasaaraha Somalia, ayaa sii xoogaysanaya, waxaana shalay loo gudbiyay Shirgudoonka Baarlamaanka Somalia Mooshin ay ku saxeexan yihiin 140 Xildhibaan oo doonaya in xilka laga qaado Raysal Wasaaraha Somalia. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Prof Maxa’ed

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