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Category: Editorial

Total 29 Posts

The request of the President of the Federal Government of Somalia to lift the arms embargo has brought scandal to the Security Council and the United States

Shocking, leaked documents reveal evidence of the incident, including uniforms, military boots, AK-47 rifles, American rifles, and ammunition. That the federal government of Somalia should be helped in the fight against Al-Shabab, but instead it was distributed to militias affiliated

LasAnod: The tribal style of organized war has become gunpowder, which easily destroys peace in the Horn region and even East Africa

#Araweelo_News_Network. Las Anod(ANN)-The government of the Republic of Somaliland has spoken about an attack, as it said on Sunday morning, on the siege of the Somaliland National Army base on the outskirts of the town of Las Anod. A press

Somaliland is Located in a Strategic Location, Both Geographically and Politically, Of Great Importance to The Region and the World

Araweelo News Network.   Hargeisa(ANN)-Somaliland is strategically and geographically located, and it is vital to the region and the world in terms of military, economic, trade, and security. It is a strategic area; it borders the Gulf of Aden and

The White House should expect a challenge on all world issues

Araweelo News Network. Editorial: The White House should expect a challenge on all world issues Russia’s war in Ukraine has changed the lives of everyone in the country and the rest of the world, and has had a great impact

The third anniversary of the death of Hamed Jama

“Hamed Jameh died… I’m sad!! Written by: Muhammad Abdulwahab Al-Shaibani Araweelo News Network. Hamed Jameh The high intellectual, the attentive translator, and most importantly the noble man died, without introductions. In the noise of the seventies, he was formed within

Somaliland: Sixty-two years later is seeking recognition for its lost independence Four days later

Araweelo News Network. Hargeisa(ANN)-Sixty-two years later, the Republic of Somaliland commemorates the historic anniversary of 26 June 1960, when Somaliland gained independence from the United Kingdom of (Great Britain.) The Republic of Somaliland entered into a treaty with the colonial

Maxaa La Gudboon Madaxweyne Biixi Iyo Mucaaradka?

Wasiirka Iska Casilay Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Biixi Ma Xoojinta Mucaaradkaa, Mise waa xeelad kale? Araweelo News Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Wasiir ku xigeenkii Wasaaradda Arrimaha Guddaha ee gobollada iyo degmooyinka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Naasir Caydiid, ayaa iska casilay xilkii uu ka hayay xukuumadda Madaxweyne Biixi.

The words in the AFRICOM statement are contemptuous and disrespectful to the cause of the Republic of Somaliland

Commander U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Bilateral Meeting with President of Somaliland Araweelo News Network. Hargeisa(ANN)-The US Africa Command, based in Djibouti, spoke at a meeting with Somaliland President Muse Bihi on Thursday, May 12, 20222, at

Somaliland: celebrating Sixty-one years ago, the lost independence

Araweelo News Network By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.   Last nightmares 26 June 2021, sixty-one years later the Republic of Somaliland commemorates the historic anniversary of 26 June 1960, when it Somaliland gained independence from

Somaliland: Macallinka Dunida Ee Yagleelida Qaran Ku Dhisan Nidaamka Dimuqraadiyadda Iyo Doorashooyinka

Araweelo News Network. By Arraale M. Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.   Somaliland,,Hargeysa(ANN)- Gobollada dalka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, waxa maanta si rasmi ah uga bilaabmay #Ololaha doorashada Wakiillada iyo gollayaasha deegaanka ee isku lamaan, taas oo dalka ka dhacaysa