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Category: Editorial

Total 29 Posts

Soomalia: Mudda Kordhinta Farmaajo Ee La Tuuray Maxay Ka Beddeli Doontaa Khilaafka Ka Taagnaa Doorashada ?

Araweelo News Network.   Muqdisho(ANN)-Madaxweynaha dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmajao oo gollaha shacabku ka aqbaleen in laga noqdo, isla markaana meesha laga saaro muddho kordhintii muranku ka dhashay. Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa markaa kadib ra’iisal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya

The Reality of Somalia’s Political Conflict and the Decision to Extend the Term of Farmajo’s Government

Araweelo News Network. #The Reality of #Somalia’s #Political #Conflict and the #Decision to Extend the Term of #Farmajo’s #Government. By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. The United Nations and the international community have already planned for

Ethiopia is a path of ethnic warfare and is on the road of the destruction of Yugoslavia

Araweelo News Network. Ethiopia claims occupation of Tigre in territory, fighting spreads in and around neighboring Countries. By. Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based in Hargeisa Somaliland. Addis Ababa (ANN)-The Ethiopian government says its forces have seized

The Argument For Recognition Of Somaliland Republic

  I. Introduction   After a bloody civil war, in January 1991 Siad Barr’s Twenty-one-years regime was overthrown in Somlia.  The Northern Half of Somalia Declared its Independence as the Republic of Somaliland in May 1991.   This outline summarizes the

Somaliland: Did Bihi Meet with Genocide-denier Farmajo of Somalia?

Addis Ababa (ANN) — Reports surfacing of His Excellency President Musa Bihi Abdi of the Republic of Somaliland’s visit to neighbouring Ethiopia indicate that he and the President of the weak, UN-backed Federal Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo’, met behind

Soleimani’s assassination shows US can’t afford Trump as commander in chief: New York Times

The US assassination of Iranian Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani underscored that President Donald Trump is an “inexperienced, impulsive and perpetually aggrieved commander in chief” that the American people can’t afford and trust to lead their country, according to an editorial

Madaxweyne Biixi Xilalka Bannaanaaday Ma Uga Faa’idaysan Doonaa Fursad Isku Shaandhayn?

Xukuumadda Iyo Bulshada Somaliland waxay dhawrkii caanamaal ee u dambeeyey ku Mashquulsanaayeen Baroordiiqda iyo Tacsida Taliyihii Ciidanka Bilayska Somaliland Sareeye gaas Cabdullaahi Xuseen IImaan (Fadal) oo Nov 2, 2019, aas Qaran loogu sameeyay Xaabalaha Masalaha ee Koonfurta Magaalada Hargaysa. Booliska

“The high intellectual and the translator, the most important and noble man died, without introductions.” Written by. Al Shaibani

“The high intellectual and the translator, the most important and noble man died, without introductions.” Written by: Dr. Mohamed Abdulwahab Al Shaibani In the noise of the seventies was formed within the left, and was a witness to the social

Culimada Somaliland Oo Caddeeyey Siday Diintu U Nahyiday Gudniinka Fircooniga Ah

Hargeysa(ANN)-Diinteenna Suubban ee Islaamku waa hagaha dhabta ah ee innoo kala caddaysay waxa shareecada waafaqsan iyo waxa ka hor-imanaya, Bulshada Somaliland-na boqolkiiba boqol  waa Dad Islaam ah. Waloow ay jiraan Caadooyin soo jireen ah oo aan ka turjumayn dhaqanka Islaamka,

Somaliland: The Forgotten US-Sponsored ‘Holocaust’

Edwin Haroldson This year marks the 30th anniversary of what is often called the “Hargeisa Holocaust,” when about 90 percent of the city was destroyed and tens of thousands of Isaaqs were killed. Yet there are no major plans to

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