Category: Breaking News
Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Oo Mawqifkiisa Qadiyadda Madaxbanaanida Somaliland Ka Bixiyay Jawaab
Wasiir Waxa Hore Loo Arkayay adigoo Abaabul Lagaga Soo Horjeedo Qadiyada Somaliland Qayb Ka Ah, Waxaa laguu magcaabay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, Sidee ? #Araweelo_News_Netwrk. Hargeysa (ANN)-Guddiyada Gollaha Wakiillada JSomaliland, ayaa kulamo xaasaasi ah a yeeshay qaar ka mid ah
Madaxweynaha Deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia Oo Ka Hadlay Qorshaha Xukuumaddiisa Ee Mashaqadii Dawacaley
#Araweelo _News _Network Jigjiga (ANN)- Madaxweynaha Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia, Mustafe Maxamed “Cagjar ” ayaa ka hadlay dhacdadii mashaqada ahayd ee ka dhacday deegaanka Dawacaled ee xadka Somaliland iyo Ethiopia. Madaxweyne Cagjar, ayaa tilmaamay qorshaha xukuumaddiisa ee dawaynta iyo xalinta
Ethiopia accuses Somaliland of fueling clan conflicts”The two countries had reached agreement whit a sea and a military Base
Ethiopia accuses Somaliland of fueling clan conflicts”The two countries had reached an agreement to provide landlocked Ethiopia with a sea outlet and a military base, although this agreement has yet to advance.” #Araweelo _News _Network Hargeisa (ANN)-The Ethiopian media reported
Security Council Endorses New African Union Support Mission in Somalia
“Japan’s representative welcomed the recently signed Declaration between Somalia and Ethiopia.” Meetings Coverage and Press Releases by Security Council. #Araweelo _News _Network Press Releases New York (ANN)-The Security Council today endorsed the African Union Peace and Security Council’s decision
Yemen’s Houthis continue to attack Israel
#Araweelo News Network Tehran (ANN) –The US and British airstrikes in Yemen have not changed the operations of the Houthis targeting Israel. Yemen’s Houthis continue to attack Israel. The latest operation The Yemeni forces said that they carried out another
Ethiopia-Somalia discussed the Ethiopian troops in Dolow and Ankara Declaration
#Araweelo_News_Network. Addis Ababa (ANN)-The State Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Ali Mohamed Omar, today held bilateral discussions with his counterpart, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic
Ankara’s statement on Somalia and Ethiopia
#Araweelo_News_Network. Ankara (ANN) -The leaders of the two countries of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed and the President of the Federal Government of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud concluded their meeting in Ankara last night. After the meeting, they issued a joint call
Somalia: Duulaanka Raaskaambooni Iyo Dingaraarada Xasan Sheekh Ee Millateriga Federaalka
Dagaalka Jubaland Iyo Federaalka Oo Muujiyay Rajaxumada Dariiqii Burburka Dawladdii Awoodda Millateri Ee Tahriibta Ku Gashay Xadka Kenya 1991. #Araweelo_News_Network. Raaskaambooni (ANN)- Dagaal guuldaro iyo weji gabax ku waajahan ciidaamada dawadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya oo ku duulay deegaanka Raaskaambooni ee
Somaliland: Munaasibadda Xilka Ay Kula Kala Wareegayaan Labada Madaxweyne, Wufuuda Ku Sugan Hargeysa Iyo Dhawaaqyada Ku Baaqaya Isu Baxyada Aan Natiijadooda La Oggayn
Xisbiga Madaxweynaha La Doortay ee Xilka La Wareegaya Oo Ka Hadlay Qaabka Munaasibadda Iyo Wefdiga Laga Filayay Djibouti Oo Lays Weydiinayo #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa (ANN)- Wufuud ka socota dalalka gobolka oo isugu jira dublamaasiyiin iyo masuuliyiin kale oo kala duwan ayaa
Russian state media has announced that Bashar and his family have safely arrived in Moscow
US and Israel sees the collapse of the Al-Assad regime as a great victory for them and the region #Araweelo_News_Network. Moscow (ANN)-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrived in Moscow after the rebels took over the country. Bashar Al-Assad and his family