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Category: Breaking News

Total 1831 Posts

The leader of Hizbullah has announced Israel’s defeat

“The toll includes 9,254 individuals, among them officers and soldiers, with 3,000 amputees, 650 paralyzed, 185 completely blind, and several thousands suffering severe psychological trauma,” Sh. Hassan Nasrallah. #Araweelo_News_Network. Beirut (ANN)- The Secretary General, Sh. Hassan Nasrallah, who leads the

Washington: Iran Blamed for Trump’s Murder and Its Response

#Araweelo_News_Network. Washington(ANN)-The American media reported that the assassination attempt on the fromer President of the United States, Trump, who is currently running for the November 2024 election, was a planned assassination by Iran. US authorities obtained intelligence from a human

US Ambassador to Somalia Mr. Richard awarded a certificate of honor to Hussein In Somaliland

    #Araweelo_News_Network. The US ambassador to Somalia Mr. Richard, who visited Somaliland this week, presented a certificate of honor to Ahmed Yousuf Hussein, a member of Somaliland’s civil society. Especially those who activist for  human rights. The purpose of

Donald Trump reversed the November election, when he nominated David Vance as Vice President

#Araweelo_News_Network. Washington (ANN)-Donald Trump selected J.D. Vance, a Republican US senator from Ohio, as his running mate on Monday, elevating a politician who once criticized the former president in acid terms but has since become one of his most stalwart

TRUMP Oo La toogtay intii Lagu Guda jiray banaanbaxa Lagu Taageerayo

Dave McCormick, Murrashax Jamhuuriga ah Oo Fadhiyay Safka Hore Ee Lagu Toogtay Donald Trump Ayaa Ka Hadlay Wixii Dhacay #Araweelo_News_Network Pennsylvania (ANN)- Donald Trump ayaa lagu toogtay meel fagaare ah, isagoo boqolaal taageerayaashiisa ah u jeedinaya khudbad xilli uu socday

Garnaqsigii Prof Samatar Iyo Goya-khaakhlayntii Dhalinyarada Sheegtay Dhaqanka Ku Cusub Siyaasadda Ee Inqilaabka Hilaac

#Araweelo_News_Network Saint Paul US (ANN)-Guddoomiyiha Urur Siyaasadeedka Hilaac, Prof Axmed ismaaciil Samatar, ayaa ka jawaabay dhawaaqa dhalinyarada sheegtay innay Ururka hoggaankiisii la wareegeen. Arrintan oo noqotay dhaqan cusub oo kusoo biiray siyaasadda in Guddoomiyihii aasaasay Ururka oo dalka ka maqan

Guddoomiyihii Ururka Hilaac Prof Samatar Oo Lagala Wareegay Hoggaaminta Ururka

Inqilaabka Prof. Samatar Arrin Ku Cusub Dhaqanka Siyaasadda Somaliland Ee Ururada #Araweelo_News_Network   Hargeysa(ANN)-Xubno ka mid ah Xubnaha hoggaanka Urur Siyaasadeedka Hilaac ee kusoo baxay tartanka Ururada Siyaasadda Somaliland, isla markaana xilligan isu diyaarinayay in Ururkoodu ka qaybgalo tartanka doorashooyinka

Israel: Eilat Port, Houthi attacks cause gates to be closed

The Port of Eilat’s request for financial assistance from the Israeli Government #Araweelo_News_Network.   London(ANN)-The economic effects of the Houthi strikes against Red Sea shipping became evident with the Port of Eilat’s request for financial assistance from the Israeli government

Dubai: More than 40 jailed for life in UAE for linked a ‘terror’ offences

#Araweelo_News_Network: Dubai (ANN)- The United Arab Emirates government has arrested around eighty people whose arrests have been widely condemned by local regional human rights and international human rights organizations. accoding to report a published HRW, A Court in the United

Iran Talks BRICS Payment Linkage System

Iran FM, What He say, about the conflict between Iran and Russia? #Araweelo News Network:   Tehran(ANN)-TThe government of Islamic of Republic oaf Iran spoke about the BRICS currency system, accoding to report as published by Bitcoim News, the Minister

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