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Category: Middle East

Total 202 Posts

US court enforces $200 million award for DP World against Djibouti

  #Araweelo_News_Network Washington (ANN)-The US District Court for the District of Columbia has enforced a $200 million award won by a subsidiary of the UAE’s DP World against Djibouti,confirming a partial award issued in 2022 in a long-running arbitration over

Britain Oo Iska Fogaysay Dalabka Maxkamadda Denbiyada Ee Qabashada Netanyahu

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   London(ANN)- Dawladda Britain ayaa si dadban isaga fogaysay dalabka waaranka ee Maxkamadda denbiyada dagaalka ee ICC ku doonayso in lagu qabto Ra’iisal wasaaraha Israel. ” UK kama doodi doonto codsiga waaranka qabasho ee ICC ee Netanyahu iyo

Israel could gain from recognizing Somaliland as an Independent State

Recognizing Somaliland would provide Israel with a strategic ally in the Horn of Africa, enhancing its national security and geopolitical position in the region.The Times Of Israel #Araweelo_News_Network   In recent years, the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and

Sacuudiga Oo Ka Hadlay Weerarka Diyaaraddaha Israel Ku Qaadeen Yemen

Weerarka Diyaaraddaha Israel Ku Qaadeen Yemen, Wuxuu uga Sii Daray Xaaladda Gobolka #Araweelo_News_Network. Riyad (ANN)-Dawladda Sacuudiga ayaa ka hadashay duulaanka Israel ay ku duqaysay Sabtidii Dekedda Xuddayda ee dalka Yemen, iyadoo Diyaaraddaha Israel khasaare u gaysteen xarunta Korontada ee Ras

The Yemeni Houthis threatened to evict Tel Aviv and engage in a long war with Israel

    “That the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah will not go without a response. “General Saree #Araweelo_News_Network.   Sana’a (ANN)-Israel’s jet planes attacked the Yemeni port of Hudaydah in the Red Sea today, describing the attack as retaliation for Friday’s

Yemen’s Houthis succeeded in New Drone Jafa bombing Tel Aviv, defeating Israel’s air defenses

The destruction of the near buildings American Consulate in Tel Aviv #Araweelo_News_Network. Tel Aviv (ANN)-Yemen’s Houthi Military have claimed to have carried out an attack in central Tel Aviv, hours after an explosion near the US consulate. Accoding to The

The leader of Hizbullah has announced Israel’s defeat

“The toll includes 9,254 individuals, among them officers and soldiers, with 3,000 amputees, 650 paralyzed, 185 completely blind, and several thousands suffering severe psychological trauma,” Sh. Hassan Nasrallah. #Araweelo_News_Network. Beirut (ANN)- The Secretary General, Sh. Hassan Nasrallah, who leads the

Israel: Eilat Port, Houthi attacks cause gates to be closed

The Port of Eilat’s request for financial assistance from the Israeli Government #Araweelo_News_Network.   London(ANN)-The economic effects of the Houthi strikes against Red Sea shipping became evident with the Port of Eilat’s request for financial assistance from the Israeli government

Dubai: More than 40 jailed for life in UAE for linked a ‘terror’ offences

#Araweelo_News_Network: Dubai (ANN)- The United Arab Emirates government has arrested around eighty people whose arrests have been widely condemned by local regional human rights and international human rights organizations. accoding to report a published HRW, A Court in the United

Iran Talks BRICS Payment Linkage System

Iran FM, What He say, about the conflict between Iran and Russia? #Araweelo News Network:   Tehran(ANN)-TThe government of Islamic of Republic oaf Iran spoke about the BRICS currency system, accoding to report as published by Bitcoim News, the Minister

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