Araweelo News Network.
Kyiv Ukraine (ANN)-German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, amid growing fears of an imminent Russian invasion. Chancellor has stated unequivocally that escalating conflicts in Ukraine is unacceptable.

Meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Scholz is expected to offer Ukraine more economic support, but no weapons. The visit comes as staff from the Organisation for Security and Economic Cooperation pulled out of the eastern rebel-held city of Donetsk.
They had been monitoring the conflict there. Western intelligence sources say Russia now has more than 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders.
Germany’s new chancellor is coming to Kyiv at a time of unprecedented tensions, not just between Ukraine and Russia, but also between friends, with Kyiv accusing Berlin of sitting on the fence as Ukraine prepares its bomb shelters and foreign embassies evacuate their staff.
The announcement by the German leader during his visit shocked the US-led NATO alliance.
Berlin’s refusal to follow the lead taken by the US in supplying Ukraine with defensive weapons is Kyiv’s number one complaint.
Where other countries have provided anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles and ammunition, Germany has offered to send five thousand helmets an announcement that provoked amusement and anger in equal measure.
Germany’s position is clear in its opposition to the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine, although hopes have been raised that talks will be held after a concerted effort, but some analysts say President Putin will not back down.
The Nord Stream Two pipelines between Russia and Germany is the other major point of contention.
The pipeline is complete but has yet to be commissioned – and Ukraine hopes it never will be. Ukraine says the pipeline would allow Russia to supply its gas customers in Western Europe without the need for Ukraine’s pipeline network allowing the Kremlin to destabilize Ukraine.
Russia sees it as a siege, and that’s why, following President Putin’s death, he wants Ukraine to not be a base for its enemies, NATO and the United States.
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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.
Araweelo News Network.