Egypt not serious about Somalia
To what extent can we say that Egypt has arrived late in Somalia? #Araweelo_News_Network Haitham El-Zobaidi That depends really on whether this arrival was a serious move and just mere posturing. There is no doubt that the Somali
Guuldarada Qorshaha La Doonayay In Lagu Badbaadiyo Markabka Xuutiyiintu Ku Gubeen Badda Cas
#Araweelo_News_Network London( ANN)-Hawlgalka ciidamada Midowga Yurub ee gobolka ayaa soo bandhigay sawirada markabka booyada ah, oo weli dab ka holcayo xagga sare ku dhawaad laba toddobaad kadib weerarka Xuutiyiinta ee 21 August. Howlgalka ciidamada badda ee Midowga Yurub ee
The Djibouti regime is facing increasing challenges
Djibouti suggest that the regime may even be planning false flag operations to justify military action against western Somaliland #Araweelo_News_Network Djibiuti (ANN)-The Djibouti regime is facing increasing challenges, with economic pressures mounting and a growing sense of insecurity taking hold.
Gollaha Wakiilladda Oo Codka Awoodda Baddan Ee Diidmada Qayaxan U Adeegsaday Dalabka Xeer Ilaalinta Somaliland
Xildhibaan Abiib Oo Xabsiga Ku Jira Iyo Xasaannadiisa Oo La Diiday, Go’aanka Gollaha #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)-Muddanayaasha Gollaha Wakiilladda Somaliland, ayaa fadhigoodii maanta oo Salaasa ah, waxay si cad ugu diideen cod dalabka Xeer Ilaalinta maamuus ka xayuubinta Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib Yuusuf
Somaliland the opposition fear of another a Political Crisis
> MP Mohamed Abib Arrested by the government, the opposition described it as a violation of the law and Fears Of Political Tensions > MP Mohamed Abib openly and boldly criticizes the government of President Bihi for weakening the country,
Ceergaabo Baaq Nabadeed Oo Loo Riyaaqay
#Araweelo_News_Network Ceergaabo(ANN)-Magaalada Ceergaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag ayaa lagaga dhawaaqay Fagaaraha Beetta Nuura Baaq nabadeed oo lagu daminayo Collaada maalmihii u danbeeyay ka aloosantay oo sababtay dhimasho tobaneeyo qof, taas oo abuurtay jawi xasiloonidaro oo ku khasbay inay
Muslin kuma Cabiidsamo wallaan Madaxa kaa go’yne
Muslin kuma Cabiidsamo wallaan Madaxa kaa go’yne!! #Araweelo_News_Networ. Waar yaadhaheen! Sawtii la lahaa Xasan Sh. Maxamuud waa Aldamu Aljadiid (الذم الجديد )? Cid baa odhan karta, “haddu yahayse?” Dee sawkan qaylo-dhaanta u dirty Cabdul Fataax Alsiisey (عبد الفتاح
Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia
#Araweelo_News_Network Djibouti (ANN)- The government of Djibouti has clearly stated that it has ended the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the solution to the issue is on the table of President Ismail Omar Guelle. Djibouti’s Minister
US is losing the battle of the Red Sea
#Araweelo_News_Network. Even by the Middle Eastern standards, the past year has been full of surprises. A bolt-from-the-blue attack by Hamas produced the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. The resulting Israel-Hamas war in Gaza has now