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Arraale Jama

Total 647 Posts
Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a 20 year experience as a professional Journalist and human rights activist Over the years, worked for the major News Papers in Somaliland as a reporter, editor and contributor. 2008 established website Araweelo News Network, he currently runs a web site based in Somaliland. who is the specializes in the investigation and reporting on issues relating to human rights, democracy, and good governance. contact: + 252 63 442 5380 + 252 63 4764409 + 252 63 442 5380

“Dalkan Somaliland Marka Uu Difaac U Baahdo Xooggiisii Baad Tihiin,”Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi

Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi, oo uu wehelinaayey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa hadhimo-sharafeed ku maamuusay salaadiinta, Cuqaasha, waxgaradka, haldoorka iyo siyaasiyiinta Somaliland qaar ka mida. Madasha hadhimada ah oo maanta  lagu qabtay

Somaliland: Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Oo Xafiiskiisa Ku Qaabilay Xoghayaha Difaaca Dawladda Britain

Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa Xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Xoghayaha Difaaca ee Dalka Ingiriiska, Mr. Gavin Williamson Alexander oo booqasho ku yimi maanta Somaliland.  Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo Xoghayaha Difaaca ee Britain, waxa dhexmaray kulan albaabada loo

Fresh Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen

Yemen Shabwah(ANN)– At least seven people have been killed when Saudi-led military aircraft carried out airstrikes against a residential area in Yemen’s southern province of Shabwah as the Riyadh regime and its regional allies press ahead with their atrocious military campaign

UN: Saudi Khashoggi killing trial ‘not sufficient’

‘ New York(ANN)-The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says it cannot assess the fairness of a trial underway in Saudi Arabia over the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, emphasizing that in any case

Somaliland: The Forgotten US-Sponsored ‘Holocaust’

Edwin Haroldson This year marks the 30th anniversary of what is often called the “Hargeisa Holocaust,” when about 90 percent of the city was destroyed and tens of thousands of Isaaqs were killed. Yet there are no major plans to

Somaliland: Agaasimaha Qorshaynta Ee Wasaaradda Ciyaaraha Oo Sharaxay Qaabka Lagu Xallin Karo Khilaafka Waajibaadka Shaqo Ee Wasaaraddaha

Hargeysa(ANN)-Agaasimaha Waaxda Qorshaynta ee Wasaaradda Ciyaaraha Somaliland, Cabdirashiid Caydiid Yaasiin, ayaa ka hadlay qaabka ugu habboon ee lagu xallin karo khilaafka waajibaadka shaqo ee Wasaaraddaha, wuxuuna sharaxay mashruuca shaqo-carbinta iyo siyaasada xukuumadda ee lagu hagayo. Agaasime Cabdirashiid Caydiid Yaasiin, waxa

US envoy Brett McGurk resigns over Syria

Washington(ANN)-The US State Department’s senior envoy to the so-called anti-Daesh coalition, Brett McGurk, has resigned over President Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria. McGurk submitted his resignation on Friday, a US State Department official said on Saturday, adding that

Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Kulan La Qaatay Madaxweynaha Dawlad-Deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia

Wajaale(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa kulan la yeeshay madaxweynaha dawlad-deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia, Mudane Mustafe Maxamuud Cumar iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayo. Kulankan oo ka qabsoomay magaaladda xuduudda labada dal ku taalla ee Wajaale, ayuu madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane

Erdogan: US sanctions cannot hurt Turkey-Iran ties

Istanbul(ANN)-Ankara and Tehran need to prevent the US sanctions from impeding the neighbouring countries to reach their bilateral targets, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday, reports Anadolu Agency. “We must stop the US sanction decision on Iran from impeding us

Haddii Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Heshiin Waayaan Waxa Lagu Dambayn Doonaa Sida Shiinaha iyo Taiwan”

“Haddii Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Heshiin Waayaan Waxa Lagu Dambayn Doonaa Sida Shiinaha iyo Taiwan” Ku-xigeenka Ra’iisal-wasaaraha Djibouti(ANN)-Ku-xigeenka Ra’iisal-wasaaraha dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Mr. Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed (Khadar), ayaa sheegay in haddii dib loo bilaabi waayo, isla markaana wax guul ah

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