Araweelo News Network.


Africa is world’s most pregnant continent in the various deposits of resources,  yet the majority African countries don’t have technological access to explore and produce their resources I order those African countries tuckle their peoples’ poverty rates.

Despite the corruption holds Africa’s most threats for the continent’s developments,  yet  There is another obstacle which surrounds the productions of Africa’s resources and it’s ongoing wars especially when Africa’s resources produced.


Despite the corruption holds Africa’s most threats for the continent’s developments, yet there is another obstacle which surrounds the productions of Africa’s resources and it’s ongoing wars especially when Africa’s resources produced.


The Africa tribes fight for the claims of the ownership of the lands that have been found z this means that the African resources which intended to eliminate the poverty of the Africans might exceed more poverty in the continent. South Sudan is good example for the African continent’s mismanagement of it’s resources.  South sudan has rich in petroleum and other resources yet it’s resources never made out from the poverty of it’s people.


So, let us say frankly having rich resources can’t guaranteed for being a wealthy Nation if there is no wise thinking Governance system that fights corruption, ego-centrism, ignorance and tribalism.  This is mostly the characters that Africa lacks.  In Africa the corruption and the greediness of the public wealth became ways of lives.

This is why became a back warded continent thought it remains the world’s richest continent in every resources.  But a resource which has those manners in which we expressed above is nothing at all.

Writing by Dr. Ahmed Hassan Salah and first published this article on Araweelo News Network. Salah is a writer and diplomat who comments on politics and international relations and advocates for Somaliland’s identity. He has published articles and videos on the way Somaliland can legally get its identity, which have been published on the Araweelo News Network.