Araweelo News Network.

Hargeisa(ANN)-Somaliland Opposition Threatens Impeachment for president, The protest today is not going to offices, but to the Presidency, and the protest is going to be held where the bower is. said Somaliland opposition parties.

Alt:Araweelo News Network
labada guddoomiye ee xisbiyada Mucaaradka Somaliland, Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi (Cirro) Guddoomiyaha WADDANi, Midig, iyo Guddoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe UCID, Bidix Jun 7 2021, Image File Araweelo News Network Hargeysa.

The two opposition parties have also threatened to announce a new government if the presidential election dispute is not resolved before September.

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