Araweelo News Network

Abraham Accord, it seems to be the culmination of Somali wisdom.

By. Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based in Hargeisa Somaliland.


Tel Aviv (ANN)-The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has canceled an event with Israel and the US, accusing Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of exploiting the normalization Abraham deal.


The UAE, meanwhile, has accused the Israeli prime minister of using Crown Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed’s commitment as an election ploy to boost his chances in the upcoming Israeli general elections.

The United Arab Emirates, in early March 2021, for the first time sent an ambassador to Israel, following the Abrahamic Agreement signed between the two countries in 2019.

Ambassador Mohamed Al Khaja, in a statement posted on his Twitter account on March 2, quoted by Araweelo News Network, confirmed that Israel had received the credentials.

The UAE, the US, and leaders from Israel and Arab states that have gone normalised relations with Tel Aviv always Planned to organize an April Summit to celebrate Israel’s normalization Abraham agreement with Sudan.

The event something but canceled after the UAE officials expressed their frustration with Netanyahu’s electioneering.

This is the first big crisis unlawful the UAE and Israel since the two sides announced the normalization of relations last August 2020.

READ:  US Called Gulf States for deal before Trump leaves White House

Netanyahu often touted to his primary role in Israel’s normalization Deals as a key component of his campaign strategy, announcing that the UAE Would Invest $ 10 billion in Israel, but at the moment it seems to have changed the story.

He has reportedly taken to name-dropping bin Zayed in recent political events, billing himself as the facilitator of the multi-billion-dollar UAE investment projects in Israel.

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Netanyahu, who faces general elections on 23 March, has suggested that his opponents do not have the same political lout.


According to the UAE, Netanyahu has misrepresented the Emirati commitment as one tied to Netanyahu’s political fortunes.

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The UAE downplayed what it described as “our potential” $10 billion investment, with UAE’s Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology Sultan Al Jaber emphasizing that the investment is “commercially driven and not politically associated.”

Al Jaber reiterated that the UAE’s possible investment is anything but a done deal. “We are at a very early stage in studying the laws and policies in Israel,” he told Emirati outlet The National.

Meanwhile, officials and analysts doubt that irritation over the electioneering will weaken the foundations of the normalization deal, such as cooperation against the Islamic Republic of Iran and bilateral investment and tourist opportunities.

READ: UAE stops about 200 Israeli passengers at Dubai International Airport

“It is inevitable that such a relationship with Israel, which remains so controversial for so many in the Arab world, is and will remain subject to politicking, and some public spats are normal,” said Cinzia Bianco, research fellow on Europe and the Gulf for the European Council on Foreign Relations.

It is not the first time Netanyahu has angered an Arab country and wants to stand trial.

At the end of 2020, in November, Saudi Arabia was outraged and embarrassed after Israel released a secret trip in which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to travel to the kingdom to meet with the Crown Prince. Mohammed bin Salman, who is a powerful daily leader.

Former United States President Trump, who lost the November 2020 election, forced the Gulf states and Sudan to sign the Abraham Accord with Israel.

Jared Kushner, sometimes named President of the Middle East, has in recent months signed an agreement called the Abraham Agreement on 13 August 2020, which normalizes relations between Israel and the Gulf. Israel has joined Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and Sudan,

But many Islamic countries have condemned it, calling it a violation of the Palestinian territories and the holy land of Jerusalem.

READ: US Called Gulf States for deal before Trump leaves White House

Iran, Turkey and other Islamic countries have strongly criticized the deal, with the Palestinians calling it an affront to their cause and handing over their land to Israel, which is already in control. Palestinian leaders have strongly condemned the deal.

The current conflict in the UAE, at the heart of the US-Gulf deal with Israel and the United States, appears to be Abraham’s agreement seems to be the culmination of Somali wisdom that

The current conflict in the UAE, at the heart of the US-Gulf deal with Israel and the United States, appears to be Abraham’s agreement seems to be the culmination of Somali wisdom that say “Ttwo harm agree on the right to kill each other.”.

By. Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based in Hargeisa Somaliland.
