
Gaza (ANN)- On the 37th day of the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, attacks on hospitals and buildings are being targeted by air, land, and sea attacks, and in particular, Israel is continuing to attack the Medical Center in Shifa Hospital.

Related: Gaza Israel’s air and ground bombing campaign intensified, and the targeting of convoy ambulances

Also, Hamas media said that on Saturday, the Israeli planes increased their attacks on various places in the Gaza Strip, such as around the Indonesian Hospital and Tal al-Zaatar, which is on the north side of the Gaza Strip.

“Dear Israeli women are pushed towards Beit Hanoun, and the occupation army continues to cover up the losses among its soldiers.” says Al-Qassam.

Al-Qassam published a video showing the direct response of Phalange fighters to Israeli tanks after they entered the areas of Al-Tawam and Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.


According to Al-Araby’s Gaza correspondent, Ahmed Darawsheh, said that Israeli reinforcements are being sent to the Gaza Strip, specifically Beit Hanoun, because the battles in the region differ from the confrontations in the central or northwestern region.

He added that the occupation forces are advancing slowly and standing still in parallel with ongoing clashes and battles whose results the occupation army refuses to reveal, After 10 of his soldiers were killed in a booby-trapped tunnel yesterday.

On the other side, the spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement in Palestine, Abu Ubaydah, confirmed on Saturday that the resistance forced the colonial forces to retreat and change the route of their invasion of Gaza, indicating that they destroyed 25 vehicles of the Israeli army in the last two days.

“We recorded the destruction of more than 160 tanks and military vehicles in Israel, and our fighters came out to attack the enemy from underground.” This is what the spokesman of the Al-Qassam brigade, the military wing of the Hamas movement in Palestine, Abu Ubaydah, who often appears in Hamas and Jihad media.

“The operation began with a series of intense attacks in the vicinity of Tal al-Zaatar, in the vicinity of the Indonesian Hospital in North Gaza, and in the vicinity of Saraya Crossing, in the center of Gaza City., he aded.

On the other hand, in the northern part of Israel, which is part of the territory occupied by Israel, loud noises and explosions were heard, and there was a fire after Hezbollah hit them with rockets, which caused the greatest fears to face Israel and their fears about the movements of the Radwan Division.

The Israeli military, for their part, said that they destroyed the underground roads of Hamas, which were located in Al Nasser Street and Ahmed Orabi Street, saying that they found the different directions of the underground fortresses there, and they were shooting the military planes. Israel, where, according to the Israeli military media, some parts of Hamas were destroyed, and they fled to the coast to hunt.

Israel said that the operations in the caves were carried out by Israel’s Elite Unit 669, who said that they attacked the Hamas headquarters in the caves there and that their forces launched a rescue operation in Gaza, but the Israeli military media did not present any other evidence. Airstrikes striking open ground with heavy weapons that seem to have never been seen before in the war are believed to be one of the most dangerous weapons that leave bad traces in the areas where they are used.

The Israeli government continues to ignore calls for a ceasefire and has made it clear that it does not accept a Ceasefire.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
