
Mogadishu, Somalia, (ANN)-The Prime Minister of Somalia Hamse Abdi Barreh has rejects his own Ministers petroleum Abdirisaq Omar Mohamed. deal signed with Liberty Petroleum an American company with, the owner of the Company has the former Congressman Trent Franks as its Co-Founder.

This move will further diminish Somalias credibility as a reasonable and honest actor with its government yet again at odds internally over contracts signed.

The Prime Minister suggests this deal has not undergone the necessary legal process thus making it null and void agreement.

“Any agreement (PSA) that does not go through the legal process is null and void,” said the letter from the prime minister’s office. So as which was also notified by the National Treasury, members of the Joint Commission. , the Minister of Finance and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Liberty Petroleum has signed with the Minister of Petroleum three blocks in the Somali oil in the Sea, through its unit Petro Quest Africa, Liberty Petroleum will explore Blocks 131, 190 and 206, according to the agreement that was presented by Prime Minister Hamza .

This issue seems to show that there is a conflict between countries and foreign companies that want to operate in Somalia, that want to steal Somalia’s resources, while the governments are also fighting for Somalia.

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Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
