A report on how Somaliland would get recognition was published in the German Media





Hannover (ANN)-The representative of Somaliland in Germany, Musata Yusuf Ismail, is engaged in a campaign to get his country recognized by the international community, while also fighting to convince Germany of the importance of Somaliland to the world and the government based on the democratic system and the elections that did not happen. Many countries have recognized it.

The German media in Hannover published a topic that attracted the attention of the community, which talks about the struggle of the representative of Somaliland in Germany, with the headline written in capital letters,  “Independent, but not accepted”

Related: Somaliland: a democratizing country struggling for recognition

There is a goal for Mustafa Yusuf Ismail.  He campaigns in Germany on behalf of Somaliland to gain international recognition for a nation that many people aren’t even aware of.

Although though Somaliland is legally a part of Somalia, it unilaterally declared its independence as early as 1991. In that period, Somalia was engulfed in civil conflict.

The post-independence period explanation is given as a success story that counts. Destroyed by the war, the country had hardly any outside help to build itself up.

The country now has its own democratic government, collects its own taxes, and has introduced its own currency. The security and the situation are more stable than in the rest of Somalia.

International recognition is important. The lack of recognition is a problem for Somaliland because the country cannot become a member of international organizations such as the UN.


Other countries want to establish development cooperation contacts with Somaliland. They often negotiate with Somalia first.

However, Somaliland passport holders often face problems as their documents are not recognized internationally. Although there are countries where Somaliland citizens can enter and whose Somaliland passports allow them to enter their countries.

Mustafa Yusuf Ismail wants to change that. The 65-year-old takes care of improving relations between Germany and Somaliland. He speaks about the future of his country.

fallow the report in German here:

Click to access HAZ-05_03_202319-1.pdf

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.
