Araweelo News Network.

The British government did not say let Bangladesh talk to Pakistan, why Somaliland to talk Somalia? MP Rushanara Ali.

During a debate led by Gavin Williamson in the British Parliament on 18 January 2022, Rushanara Ali, a member of the Labour Party in the British Parliament, surprisingly and scientifically left a clear mark on Somaliland’s recognition.

.Rushanara Ali, a South Asian native, was one of the speakers at a British Parliament debate on the Republic of Somaliland’s geographical importance to the world’s security, economy, and politics.

Rushanara’s brilliant presentation was a historic example, comparing Britain’s role in the recognition of her home country of Bangladesh during the secession of Pakistan in 1971. After the people, The bloody conflict in Bangladesh has left at least three million people dead and Millions more were forced to flee the country, with more than 500 people subjected to human rights abuses and rape. Thousands of women and children, but this led to the birth of a new nation, Bangladesh, which became independent and joined the world map.

Somaliland as a nation has experienced bloody battles with the Somali military government, as well as hundreds of thousands of people massacred by the military regime of Mohamed Siyad Barre.

After the bloody war of 18 May 1991, Somaliland regained its independence, withdrawing from the unity of Somalia. Somaliland regained its sovereignty, gaining its independence from the United Kingdom on 26 June 1960, but four days later unconditionally reunited with Italian-occupied southern Somalia on 1 July 1960.

However, Bangladesh did not gain independence. , like Somaliland, but Bangladesh was known as East Pakistan, before 1971.

Rushanara Ali, a member of parliament, asked Heaton-Harris if the Somaliland issue was different from the Bangladesh issue, which led to Britain leading the way in making Bangladesh an independent state.

“I want to set an example for my country of origin, Bangladesh. The British government at the time directly supported the independence of Bangladesh and its independence from Pakistan.” She said.

“The British government did not say at the time that Pakistan should decide to secede from Bangladesh, Their work? Said MP Rushanara Ali.

We know Somaliland as a democracy, and we are pushing for the recognition of Somaliland to talk to Somalia as we accept it, because in Bangladesh the British government did not say talk to Pakistan about it.

Gavin Williamson, a Member of Parliament, on 18 January 2022, at the British Parliament on the issue of Somaliland’s recognition, which attracted a lot of international attention, as well as the Somaliland community and their government.

Does my hon. Friend agree that, as well as Government recognition, we should also recognise, as he has, the important contribution that Somalilanders have made to the development agenda? The Government’s decision to cut the aid budget from £121 million in 2020-21 to £71.2 million this year is setting the nation back, so the Government need to reconsider that. she said.

Published Araweelo News Network.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.