Araweelo News Network.

It is critical that voter registration preparations, led by the National Electoral Commission, begin now so that they can be completed before the upcoming election dates

Hargeisa(ANN)-The international community has issued a statement on the state of the elections in Somaliland, calling on the political parties in Somaliland to agree on a unified electoral plan.

They said in a statement that they should follow Somaliland’s laws and constitution, and that the electoral process should reflect the diversity of Somaliland’s women, youth, and minorities.

“We encourage Somaliland’s political leaders to clarify the path forward for the upcoming elections, which are scheduled for this year, through an inclusive dialogue process, by agreeing on a joint electoral roadmap in accordance with Somaliland’s laws and Constitution, and by ensuring that the electoral processes reflect Somaliland’s internal diversity in terms of women, youth, and minorities,” according to the statement.

It is critical that voter registration preparations, led by the National Electoral Commission, begin now so that they can be completed before the upcoming election dates. The statement has been added.

“As long-term partners in Somaliland’s democratisation process, we are looking forward to continuing our support and engagement during these next important milestones.” said a statement by the international community.

This statement is on behalf of the following partners: European Union, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Published Araweelo News Network.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.