Bombing caused large explosions Yemen – Somalia


Somalia, Bosaso (ANN) – Heavy explosions took place in the mountains of East Sanaag and the outskirts of Bosaso towards the shores of the Red Sea.

According to preliminary reports cited by Araweelo_News_Network. there is a damage caused by the explosion’s in the area of ​​Mountains on the border between Somaliland and the region administration of Somalia Puntland.


The heavy strong and their noise was heard in the areas near the East Sanaag Mountains of Somaliland, and the nearby area of ​​Puntland regional. According to various reports received from Araweelo-News_Network, who declined to be named. 


Although there is a group in the area belonging to Al-Shabaab, But they declared years ago that they have joined ISIS, which carry out bombing attacks and operations in Bosaso in the Puntland region of Somalia.

“Where strong and their noise was heard in the areas near the East Sanaag Mountains of Somaliland and the area of ​​Puntland regional.

The blasts took place there early in the morning around 04:00, local time on Friday night. accoding Araweelo News to reliable sources.

Also, the sources told Araweelo News that similar attacks took place at the time in areas south-east of Bosaso, although they could not confirm the casualties.


The American base in Djibouti received support from American aircraft carriers and destroyers in the Red Sea, they were linked to the attacks that took place in the mountains between Somaliland and the Somali regional administration of Puntland.

However, later on the matter was discussed by the American forces who sent a brief statement through AFRICOM.

On the 31st of this month, 3 Daesh terrorists were killed in a new attack in Puntland region.

AFRICOM said that the bombing was carried out by the Somali election candidates, and the bombing took place in a remote area near Dhardhar, which is 81-KM to the southeast of Bosaso, the capital of Bari region.

“Somalia is still important to the security of East Africa. The United States of America in Africa will continue to train, advise and equip the forces of our friends in Asia, they are taking ISIS.” said the AFRICOM statement.

On the other hand, the bombings that took place inside Somalia were similar to several conditions in Yemen, with Hudaydah, Sana’a and other places that the United States and its allies found to be safe havens for the Houthis in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

However, the Houthi government said that civilians were killed, and that what was being attack by was only the support they took to the Palestinian network of Israel and massacred them in Gaza.

The Houthis focused Friday morning on a strike they said struck a building housing Hodeida Radio and civilian homes in the port city on the Red Sea. Their Al Masirah satellite news channel aired images of one bloodied man being carried down stairs and others in the hospital, receiving aid. It said all the dead and almost all the wounded from the strikes came from there.

The Houthis described all those killed and hurt in Hodeida as civilians.

Houthi spokesperson Mohamed Abdelsalam said the strikes were a “brutal aggression” against Yemen as punishment for its support of Gaza.
Iran condemned the strikes as “violations of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. international laws and human rights”, Iranian state media reported.
Six U.S. and British strikes have killed 16 people and wounded 41, including civilians, Saree said in a televised statement.
“The aggressor U.S. and British governments are responsible for the consequences of these crimes against the Yemeni people,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said.

The U.S. F/A-18 fighter jets involved in the strikes took off from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, officials said. Other U.S. warships in the region also participated.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.