Araweelo News Network.

Ethiopia: Waves of Ethnic Genocide

#Addis Ababa(ANN)- A report warning of the wave of ethnic #genocide in #Ethiopia has been published in the Harvard Political Review, which discusses in depth the scourge of genocide in Ethiopia and the silence of the international community.

The report cites the Rwandan genocide of the 1990s and said the world was silent, but later woke up.

Harvard political Review headlined the report, “Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia”.

“In 1993, as ethnic cleansing in Rwanda raged, the international community remained eerily silent. The same climate that led to the Rwandan Genocide is emerging on Ethiopia’s western front  Metekel.

READ: Ethiopia is a path of ethnic warfare and is on the path of the Collapsed Yugoslavia

A wave of genocidal massacres has swept Metekel in the Benishangul-Gumuz region of Ethiopia, creating a humanitarian catastrophe that has left hundreds of thousands displaced, thousands killed and injured and many more left destitute with their homes and livelihoods burned to ashes.

Read to Ethnic Cleansing full report.

Published by Araweelo News Network.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.