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Category: Somaliland

Total 1374 Posts

#Somaliland: What does We have to do to get a #recognition from the international Community?

#Araweelo_News_Network #Somaliland: What does We have to do to get a recognition from the international Community? said Awale Shirwa, the former Minister of Planning of Somaliland, and one of the academics who spoke about Somaliland’s issues, said in his article

#Somaliland: Shirka Amniga Qaranka Iyo Digniinta Shirkaddaha Laydhka

Shirka Amniga Qaranka Iyo Digniinta Shirkaddaha Laydhka #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa (ANN)- wasaaaraddaha Gaashaandhiga, Arrimaha Guddaha iyo Saraakiisha Coodamada Bookiska, Millateriga iyo Hay’addaha amniga ayaa kulan albaabadu u xidhan yihiin ku yeeshay Miiska Saraakiisha ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Kulanka oo aan ku cusbayn

#U.S. Government the #Pentagon being eager to engage closely with #Somaliland, The National Interest

#Araweelo_News_Network. Although many are skeptical of the newly announced deal between Ethiopia and Somaliland, it has the potential to benefit the entire region of the Horn of Africa, Egypt, and the Red Sea. “Even though Mogadishu has virtually no practical

Madaxweynihii Hore Ee Dawlad Deegaanka Ethiopia Cabdi Iiley Oo Xabsiga Laga Sii Daayay

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Waxa Sidoo Kale Lasoo Daayay Haweenay Wasiir Hore Ahayd Addis Ababa (ANN) Madaxweynahii hore ee dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia  Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar (Ina Iiley) ayaa laga sii daayay xabsi ku yaala magalaada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia, halkaas

Somalia: The Prime Minister rejected the the oil deal was signed by the Ministers petroleum

#Araweelo_News_Network. Mogadishu, Somalia, (ANN)-The Prime Minister of Somalia Hamse Abdi Barreh has rejects his own Ministers petroleum Abdirisaq Omar Mohamed. deal signed with Liberty Petroleum an American company with, the owner of the Company has the former Congressman Trent Franks

The UAE Builds Its Strategic Position in East Africa

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   The UAE has sought to use its ample financial resources and the extensive training and experience it obtained through decades of security partnership with the United States to try to project power throughout the region.    

#Somaliland: Wax Baddan Ka Baro Cashuurta Iyo Cashuur-bixiyaha

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)Muuqaalka waxa uu sharaxayaa noocyada cashuuraha oo ay waajib tahay inaad wax ka fahanto. Qaybta Shanaad ee mawduuca Cashuurta iyo Cashuur-bixiyaha, oo dhiirigelin ah. Halkan ka Daawo

Mallik Ambar: Adoonkii Xabashiga Ahaa ee noqday Boqorkii Ugu Taariikh Weynaa Hindiya

Mallik Anbar wuxuu ahaa Nin Adsoonsi Loo Geeyay Hindiya Oo Dhawr Jeer La kala Iibsaday, Laakiin Wuxuu Noqday Boqor Halgamaa iyo Dagaalyahan Raadad Cajiiba kaga tegey Taariikhda Hindiya #Araweelo _News _Network: Sheekada Adoonkii Herer Laga Iibsaday Ee Hindiya ka Noqday

Ethiopia considering withdrawal of Somaliland recognition

The Ethiopian government is looking into withdrawing its recognition of Somaliland after regional tensions, and amid a bid to mend ties with Somalia. Source Agencies. #Araweelo_News_Network   Ethiopia is contemplating abandoning its plan to recognize the breakaway state of Somaliland,

#Somaliland Qaraar La Xidhiidha Xeerarka Doorashooyinka Oo Kasoo Baxay Maxkamadda Dastuuriga

    #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)- Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah ee Somaliland, ayaa soo saartay Qaraar lagu daadafaynayo qaar ka mid ah qodobada wax-ka-bedelka iyo kaabista Xeerarka doorashooyonka Somaliland ee dhowaan labada golle ee Wakiillada iyo Guurtidu u gudbiyeen Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Maxkamadda

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