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Category: Magazine

Total 73 Posts

#Somaliland Ethiopia: Heshiiska Indhaha Caalamka Kusoo Jeediyay Gobolka Iyo Xasaasiyadda Ka Dhalatay

#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargyesa(ANN)-Heshiiska Xukuumadda Somaliland la gadhay dalka Ethiopia ee la xidhiidha Dekedda taariikhiga ah ee Saylac iyo Saldhiga Millateri oo Badda Cas  dhanka cidhifka galbeed ee xeebta Somaliland, isla markaana dhanka Koonfureed ka kulaalalay marinka muhiimka ah ee Babel mendab,

How Russia Could Help Ethiopia In Its Peaceful Quest For A Port Red Sea

How Russia Could Help Ethiopia In Its Peaceful Quest For A Zeila Port Of Somaliland Araweelo_News_Network. All landlocked countries have the international legal right to obtain reliable access to the sea. An estimated 95% of Ethiopia’s international trade is presently

#Ethiopia’s Enduring Quest for Access to the Red Sea – Historical Foundations, Geopolitical Strategies, and Regional Implications

#Araweelo_News_Network. Paper Title: Undying Ambition     Ethiopia’s Enduring Quest for Access to the Sea – Historical Foundations, Geopolitical Strategies, and Regional Implications. by Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher. Abstract: This paper delves into Ethiopia’s enduring desire for

#Qaza: #Israel  Guuldarada #Dagaalku Muxuu Ka Beddelay Mawqifkeedii #Xamaas

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. Qaza(ANN)-Israa’iil ayaa wacad ku martay in ay baabi’in doonto xukumada Qaza ee Xamaas, kuwaas oo 7-dii Oct, 2023, ku qaaday guddaha Israel weerarkii ugu yaabka badnaa

#Maraykanka Oo #Sacuudiga Ku Daabulay Ciidamo Qayb Ka Ah #Duullaanka Qaza Ee #Israel

Badheedhaha #Biden Iyo Is Barbarinta Bin #Salmaan #Araweelo_News_Network. #Gaza #Riyadh #Tel-Aviv #Washington #Middle_Est Warbixin: By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. Riyadh(ANN)-Kumanaan katirsan ciidamada Maraykanka ayaa kasoo degay saldhiga ciidamadda Cirka ee Prince Sultan, Saudi Arabia laba

The request of the President of the Federal Government of Somalia to lift the arms embargo has brought scandal to the Security Council and the United States

Shocking, leaked documents reveal evidence of the incident, including uniforms, military boots, AK-47 rifles, American rifles, and ammunition. That the federal government of Somalia should be helped in the fight against Al-Shabab, but instead it was distributed to militias affiliated

Karl Von Batten is a Nigerian professional liar for hire

#Araweelo_News_Network. Karl Von Batten is a Nigerian professional liar for hire By Arraale M Jaama investigative Journalist and Human Rights activist. Hargeisa(ANN)-Von Batten is a British-Nigerian with a background in Scotland, hence the name Batten, who uses several false aliases

# Weerane: Taariikhda Markhaatiga U Ah Halyeeyga Qoraaga Buugga Maxamed Baaruud

Somaliland: Madashii Loo Golleeyay Bandhiga Buugga #Araweelo_News_Network.   Hargeysa(ANN)-Madal si ballaadhan loo golleeyay, ayaa lagu soo bandhigay Buug si weyn loo sugayay oo uu qoray Halgamaa Maxamed Baaruud Cali oo ka mid ah Haldoorkii iyo aqoonyahankii ibafuray halgankii lagu waajahay

LasAnod: The tribal style of organized war has become gunpowder, which easily destroys peace in the Horn region and even East Africa

#Araweelo_News_Network. Las Anod(ANN)-The government of the Republic of Somaliland has spoken about an attack, as it said on Sunday morning, on the siege of the Somaliland National Army base on the outskirts of the town of Las Anod. A press

LasAnod Conflict: Briefing Who Is Fighting against whom?

The Final Report #Araweelo_News_Network.   Bile Serar P4A Institute Summary: Lasanod, the administrative capital of Sool region is historically, politically and geographically is within the Somaliland borders. After the collapse of the former Somali Republic, and the creation of Puntland

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